Look at this good looking group below! They just had, from what I've been told, one amazing ward youth conference. The day began in the heart of Utah Valley and took them to Salt Lake City and back home again. Waterfalls, gorillas, dance instruction, church history, and service in their own community were just a few of their adventures. I am still waiting for some more details and photos of the youth and leaders in action, but the clues used for their "Amazing Race" I have below.
I "borrowed" a few photos from my adorable nephew, Taylor. Gotta love FACE BOOK for that reason. :) He is the tall dark and handsome fellow in turquoise blue. We get to follow his group on their "Amazing Race". :)
As for the logo, Kim asked me to design one for their t-shirts. As always, I am happy to share. But, please do not use without permission. Send me an email to discuss any color changes and request to personalize the logo with your group information.
The youth met at their church house, early Saturday morning. Instructions and rules were explained, they received their color group assignments and given their first clue.
NOTE given to each group: If at any time
you struggle with finding the location of a clue OR the correct solution to any
of the activities, you may call: 801-XXX-XXXX for a hint. However, doing so
will result in a 30 minute time penalty.
- Legend has it that this Bridal Veil of falling waters were formed when a young Indian girl, Norita, leapt from the high ledges fearing the love of her life had been killed. Proceed to the altar that Mother Nature formed from Noritz’s flowing gown.
Needed on location: 1 person to hand out next clues.
- On October 13, 1996, this temple was dedicated by President Hinckley. It was the 49th temple put into operation. Travel to this temple and count the cement columns in the fence surrounding the temple for your next clue.
Needed on location: 1 person to hand out clues and check answer.
Needed on location: 1 person to hand out Church History Museum clues.
Needed on location: 1 person here to hand out the clue and the box of cookie ingredients.
- Using public transportation make your way to Osmyn and Mary Deuel’s residence.

- These tasks do not have to be completed in order but when filling out the final clue use the letters in the order given. Once all tasks above have been completed ask the adult leader for your clue envelope.
- What City did the Enoch Train land in? _ _ _ _ _ _
- Following the direction of the Bowspirit of Enoch Train, this Blacksmith tool was brought to Utah by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in 1851.
- One Young women and One Young man must learn and perform a traditional Mexican folk dance for a clue.
- The first letter of the first name of the artist who produced the digital print titled, “Choose you this Day.” _ _ _ _ _
- Find the various computer stations that allow you to vote for your favorite work of art. Also like it on FACEBOOK.
- Where is the 18 year old artist of, “The Star Kolob,”from?
- The painting titled, “Rough Road,” contains a scriptures that states, “thou shalt triumph over all _ _ _ _.
- A modern day prophet was asked, “What is the most difficult challenge as Church President?” He replied, “All the _ _ _ _ _ I have to give."
Needed on location: 1 person to judge dancing in church history museum and hand out letter.
- Please remember this is Temple Square where active proselyting is occurring. Reverence and respect are required. Teams that are being rambunctious, noisy or disruptive will receive time penalties.
- Who is the architect of the Salt Lake Temple?
- How long did it take Oxen teams to bring a single rock from the quarry to the Temple Block?
- What Scripture is associated with the painting titled, “Christ Praying in Gethsemane?”
- Take a group picture with President Thomas S. Monson.
- What language spells the words, The Book of Mormon, as follows: Libru Nang Mormon
- Find a missionary and reverently ask them to start the“Christus” presentation. What is Christ’s final admonition in the presentation?
Needed on location: 1 person at reflecting pool to pass out next clue and also look over
temple square clues.

- Opening on Pioneer Day, 1997 Anderson Park was dedicated in honor of Swen Olaf and Erika Mathilda Peterson Bjorlund Anderson. You’re your way to this well-known location. Many volunteer hours were spent building the park, and today your task is to carry on the volunteer tradition at the park.
Needed on location: Depending on the project we need 1 or 2 advisors to watch over the service project and make sure teams complete their tasks before receive their next clue from the advisors.
- Possibly scared from the hoopla of being near the rodeo grounds this 10ft tall gorilla is protecting her baby and your next clue.
Needed on location: 1 person here to hand out the clue and the box of cookie ingredients.
- The girls may only help verbally and but the boys must use these ingredients must be used to make cookies and then delivered to Sister/Brother … who has your next clue. The girls need to use the other materials provided to make a nice card to present to the recipient of your cookies.
- Nephi and his brothers returned to Jerusalem for the Brass Plates to receive further guidance from the Lord. You to must return to the starting point of this journey and look in the room with the great landscape of wood. One task is left to be completed for ultimate victory.
- Return to the cultural hall and as a team you will need to get a strike to complete the race. You will have to use your head for this task but very little thinking needs to be done.
Needed on location: 2 leaders for this event.
- Now that your journey is complete, make your way to the final Pit Stop to find “Brother Phil”. Look in the direction that Ursa Minor points.
For fun, the winning team members were awarded with a trusted "Travelocity" Nome. :) Cute!
Their youth conference was wrapped up on Sunday evening, with a wonderful fireside featuring LDS speaker, Brad Wilcox.
Included in his message, was an analogy about bungee jumping. He shared that when jumping, "the one who is really free is the one who is willing to jump with a harness and not the one who doesn't."
Just found this idea--it is fabulous! Is it possible to get the Amazing Race logo on file somewhere? We'd love to use and adapt it for an activity we are doing at girl's camp. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI would be happy to make any changes you would like. :) Send me an email with your requests: freshairedesigns@gmail.com
How fun!! Where is the gorilla statue?
ReplyDeleteAre you still willing to make changes to your T-shirt image? I would love to use it for the Amazing Race we are doing in a few weeks. Thanks