I was looking at the board in the foyer at church on Sunday and a particular flyer caught my attention. An International Art Competition for Youth based on the 2012 Mutual Theme, "Arise and Shine Forth".
The Church History Museum invites the youth of the Church to create works of art that express what the Lord's request "Arise and Shine Forth" means to them. What a wonderful opportunity for our youth!
Online submissions will begin to be accepted January 2, 2012. Now is a great time to get them thinking about the theme and encouraging them to create.
Here are a few ideas:
- If there are youth leaders or others within your wards who know how to paint with oils, watercolors, pastels, ink or pencil - find out if they are willing to offer instruction to youth who may be interested in developing the particular skill.
- Maybe even set aside a mutual night for art instruction. We did this a couple years ago, in preparation for our YW in Excellence: Color Me Beautiful. The girls were taught how to create a portrait of themselves in pastels. It was a wonderful night. And the artwork was incredible.

photo from lds.org
As for the competition itself, you can find all the following information on the LDS Youth website:
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