Mighty! Sports Day

Years ago, when I was a young woman, my friends and I lived for church ball.  The competition in our stake was fierce! We came up with the shout out, "SYB!" which meant "sacrifice your bodies". We would do anything it took to get to the ball, even if it meant getting hurt. Silly girls. :)
My best friend through all these wonderful years was Kathy Smart. She and I lived and breathed sports. We thought we were pretty good, but the school coaches never seemed to see our potential. ;)  We tried out for the school teams to no avail. That is why church ball was so wonderful, for us. Our YW coaches were amazing and were some of greatest cheerleaders during those years.
I am smiling right now, even giggling a little, with all the fun memories... such good memories. All of them!

We spent countless hours playing volleyball in the cultural hall, on grassy areas at near by junior high school, and in our own yards. One of our young women leaders lived near the church house and she had a key to the building. We knocked on her door many, many times asking for the key to the building. (Times are so different now.)
The sounds... "Bump! Set! Spike!", "I got it!", "Call it!", "SYB!", "Rotate!", and that wonderful whistle being blown by one of our Specialists/Referees - usually Sister Llewellyn and Rob Sorenson.
We even had a co-ed volleyball team. Some of the young men were ball hogs. They didn't think we could get the ball - this really ticked us off.  But, being able to play with and against some really cute boys made up for it. :)
Here is the key chain each of us received after participating in the Regional Championship Games. It was a pretty big deal! :)
Basketball was fierce! We had a rival ward within our stake, and when basketball season arrived it meant war. In a good, competitive kid of way. Sportsmanship was always key - sportsmanship reminders that is. ;)
During our weekly YW basketball practices we would focus on dibbling (up and down the court, in and out of cones), passing (stand across from a partner and practice the bounce pass, chest pass, and over the head pass), and of course shooting the ball into the basket (lay-ups, free-throw, out side shots). :)
To help us with our skills, we would challenge a certain group of boys to a game of basketball on the elementary school blacktop after school, often. We would play girls against boys, around the world, H.O.R.S.E, and speed (which was our favorite).
I still have the softball bat, from my days as a young woman. I remember feeling so cool, bringing that bat to practice each week.
I loved the feeling of throwing the ball back and forth. The power in the throw, the sound of it hitting the mitt. And the sound of the bat hitting the ball - knowing right away that it was going to be a good one. I still enjoy going to the batting cages with my daughters (though we don't go often enough).
I know that in areas where a couple of my sisters live, the YW sports programs are going strong. They are involved and love it! I am a little jealous.
Our stake does not currently have a sports program for our young women, but we do hold a YW Sports Day each year. A day of fun, friends, and sweat!
This year we centered the day around the word "Mighty!"
Set-Up was easy. Volleyball net in the cultural hall. And 2 larger rooms cleared out for Kick Boxing and Zumba classes. Music was set-up for all rooms. And a table was set-up on the stage for snacks and handouts.
We invited adult leaders to help out with each rotation and paired them each with at least one of our Laurels (seniors in high school). It's all about shadow leadership! The idea was to have the seniors take the lead, with the adult leaders supporting them.
The young women were divided into three groups. Each group started with a different activity. This is what our schedule looked like this year:
  • Zumba! (3 rotations)
  • Kick Boxing (3 rotations)
  • Volleyball (3 rotations)
  • Snack Break
  • Mini "Mighty!" Devotional - This was incredible! It was given by one of Laurels (a senior). I have asked her for a copy of her talk.
  • Zumba! (all)
  • Crossfire (all)
Each of the young women were given an iron-on - which they could use on an item of clothing a pillowcase, a bag, ... it could be transferred to any porous surface - even wood if they wanted. The instructions were printed and pasted onto the back of the polka dot paper.
It was also suggested that these could have been made in vinyl. Then the young women could have put them on their mirrors, car windows, closet doors, etc.

I would love to hear what the young women are doing in your wards and stakes, in the way of sports (health and fitness). Do tell! :)

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