This past week, my daughter celebrated her 14th birthday. Pretty exciting... moving up to the Mia Maid class, but mostly because she can go to the dances now. :)
This is how she celebrated with her friends: Battleship {in full color}. She gets all the credit for creating this fun game! I am sharing it here for those of you looking for a fun and colorful group activity.
Of course the board game Battleship was the source of our inspiration. Maddy has been wanting to play human Battleship for awhile now with her friends.
We changed the game plan after my daughters and I ran (walked) the Color Me Rad 5K this past weekend. Afterwards, Maddy decided to play Battleship {in full color}!
I found this on YOU tube. It is the closest thing I could find, to what we would love to have happen. Wish we had a crane! :) But, we have no access to a crane, so we created our own version.
I could not find a recipe for the color chalk bombs, so I had to create my own. I tried a few different concoctions. This was my first attempt. The colors were great!
1/4 cup corn starch
1 Tbsp water
10 drops food coloring (I used neon)
I put all the ingredients into a Ziploc bag and sealed it tight.
Next I worked it with my fingers, until it was blended completely.
My initial test run showed that the powder alone didn't stick. I added the powder to a spray bottle full of water, shook it up and it worked good. It was simply colored water, and a bit washed out though.
This next concoction is the one that worked best. Vivid colors, more paint like. We filled small water balloons with the color.
2 cups cold water
3/4 cup corn starch
10 drops food coloring (I used neon)
In a saucepan, combine cold water, cornstarch, and food coloring.
Heat over medium heat, stirring constantly, ONLY until you feel it thickening.
It should take less than 2 minutes.
Remove from heat immediately.
Continue to stir, adding cold water as needed, until desired consistency.
To fill the water balloons, I poured the paint into spray bottles. It was easy to fill the water balloons directly from the spray bottle. Then we filled the balloons and tied them up - carefully, very carefully. It was a messy process, because a few of the balloons popped. Oops! I made a few extra batches of color to refill the spray bottles. I figured the kids would have fun spraying each other too. I was right! Maddy requested a bunch of water filled balloons too. :)
As her guests arrived, they were given either a hot pink or neon green wristband. This was an easy way to create teams. Plus wristbands are cool! ;)
BATTLESHIP {in full color}
Set-Up: The game was played on a volleyball court. If you decide to play "blind", like the real game of Battleship - spray paint the lines (grid) directly onto the grass with letters and numbers. And use clothes pins and sheets to create a barrier between the two teams. We played with full vision. No barrier. No coordinates.
Ammunition: We used the mini color bombs, water balloons, and color filled spray bottles.
Game Play:
- Blind - Have each team create 5 ships, by having team members lie on the ground in groups or individually. Choose a commander who calls out coordinates. Keep track of hits and misses on a piece of paper. When someone gets hit with a {full color} missile, call out "IT"S A HIT!" When a full ship of people get hit, they all yell out "YOU SUNK OUR BATTLESHIP!"
- Full Vision - Everyone anchored themselves, sat down, on their own side. Once they chose a spot, they could not move - unless it was their turn. In turn, one team member would toss a playground ball over the net, trying to hit one of the other team's "ships". If the ball hit, bumped, or rolled into someone, then that person gets bombed or sprayed with color, by the person who had tossed the ball. I honestly thought playing this way would make it way too easy to hit someone, but these kids kept missing! It made the actual hits exciting!
When I could tell they had had enough of the one hit at a time, I yelled out, "All Attack!" They all ran in and grabbed the remaining color bombs, water balloons, and color filled spray bottles. It was an all out battle!
The fun continued with the following games.
- Gorilla
- Sharks and Minnows
- Psychiatrist
The sun had gone down, it was dark, and they had to play in the light of a lamp post. But they didn't care. They played Dragon Tails a couple times. When it came to Trash Can they played 3 times. I hadn't realized how competitive this group was!
I heard afterwards that a number of them said it was the most fun they had had at a birthday party in a long time. I attribute that to the laughter, the cheers, being active, and their friendships! They didn't have their phones in their hands. There was no texting, no web browsing, nothing taking them away away from where they were. They were "all there"!
We went back to the house and let them hang out for a bit. Maddy requested FUNfetti! cupcakes. Easy peasy. We frosted them with our favorite homemade butter cream frosting, tinted bright ocean blue.
I frosted enough for them all to have one, but I made plenty more. I left the extra cupcakes and frosting out for them to frost their own. They were not shy!
My husband suggested the movie, Battleship. It was on pay-per-view. I put it on for them to watch, as they waited for their parents.

ReplyDeleteThanks for the great post on your blog, it really
gives me an insight on this topic.
How much did your mixture make?
ReplyDeleteI made this for a baby gender reveal with my kids. I found that putting the cornstarch into a bowl and putting the water and food coloring made a better brighter color ( I used neon coloring also). When i first did it I put it into a bag but I found the color sticks to the side of the bag making it more difficult and more time consuming.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing
Does the color stain? Trying to decide what location to use.